Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes

Chapter 34 Resolution and the Future

In the quiet conference room, Watts' voice still echoed.

He turned his head and looked at the colleagues sitting in the field, and suddenly realized that he might be the last person to understand the impact behind this incident.

He suddenly sympathized with Aidan, who was sitting at the end of the table and represented the Silver Blade, and he also understood the reason why the other person was not thinking properly before.

Aidan personally picked up such an outstanding young man from Terra and sent him to the transformation operating room with his own hands.

And when the final result emerged, as the eight highest-ranking leaders in charge of the battle group, he needed to separate his emotions and examine and doubt everything suspicious about this young man from the perspective of the battle group's mission.

It was inhumane, but Watts believed in Aidan's principles. This emotional conflict may indeed be painful for a veteran, but it is far from a test.

Watts turned back to look at Grand Master Walden and asked: "So are you questioning his loyalty? Or are you worried that he will not pass the initiation test? You must know that he has completely won the test of the Emperor. Those who have come down, after just one night of subspace pollution, have been weakened, and in his eyes they will not be more threatening than the mosquitoes of Gu Terra. "

"You were too eager today. This is not your level, Watts." The Supreme Master said to Watts, who was still excited. He looked around at the seats on both sides and asked these brothers:

"Can anyone answer Brother Watts' question for me?"

"I'll do it." He was answered by Gwen Leoric, the Grand Master of the Blackmailer Order, who came from the Seventh Company and was also responsible for cooperating with the Inquisition all year round.

Years of experience in contact with external units such as the Inquisition, the Astra Militarum and even other Astartes Chapters have made Leoric the most successful diplomat in the Gray Knights Chapter and the one with the clearest understanding of the existing rights of the Empire. that person.

After greeting Walden, he turned to Watts and said:

"We are not questioning his purity and loyalty. On the contrary, everyone here has experienced the 'Trial of Holy Blood', and we will never have any doubts about those who can pass it head-on. But you need to know, my brother . In 39K, now that the Emperor has been away from government affairs for eight thousand years, do the mortals on Terra who are in charge of all the affairs of the Empire really need a Primarch, especially one who has no military exploits? Primarch, he is surrounded only by a group of veterans like us who have never participated in imperial government affairs and only work as "scavengers" of the Inquisition? Are you rashly pushing this young man out and letting him stand in the center of the storm of power? Have you really thought about the consequences? Can you protect him?"

"No! How dare they! How could they!" Watts retorted subconsciously, but he fell silent mid-sentence.

Yes, why don't they dare? Dare not take action against a Primarch who is not officially recognized by the Emperor but is a real person?

The Gray Knights may indeed be able to build a legion for their primarch within a hundred years, but now that this has not happened, this possibility itself has become Calvin's original sin.

How could they allow such a powerful but completely uncontrollable force to grow little by little wherever they could see?

In the thousands of years of political struggle after the Emperor came to rule, key political forces in the Empire such as the Ministry of the Interior, the Ecclesiarchy, the Astra Militarum, the Astartes, and even the Assassin's Court, fought against the High Lords who symbolized the actual center of the Empire's rule. Power takes turns in parliament.

Thousands of years have passed, but the final winner is the Tribunal with the smallest foundation and the most inconspicuous among them. This is enough to explain a lot.

Today, after the Inquisition has held the decision-making power of the High Lords Council of the Empire for 3,000 years, they have grown powerful enough. It seems that as long as their power grows a little more, they will reach the bottom line of being attacked by a group of people.

In recent years, the Tribunal has maintained a neutral position in the parliament and its biggest concern is to maintain this delicate balance. This is also a well-known tacit understanding that allows Terra to maintain operations with the participation of all forces.

Considering these circumstances, when the Gray Knights really faced a storm of pressure from all forces, was the Inquisition at that time really a comrade who could be expected to help?

Or were they originally one of the leading culprits who wanted to suppress this new force?

A thug who was once his subordinate now has the possibility of establishing his own business. How could they sit back and watch? They have reasons to do so, and they have no reason not to.

Watts was silent. He was indeed so eager that he lost the ability to think.

This stems not only from his joy that the team's environment can be fundamentally improved, but also from the long-term pressure brought by the responsibilities of his position.

But after calming down, Watts is still the supreme commander of the fleet in charge of the fate of three strike cruisers and hundreds of thousands of sailors on them.

When these possibilities that he had not considered carefully were seen through one by one, he couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat because of the risks at the turning point in the fate of the group he belonged to.

The simple environment of working too purely for duty these years has made his political sense too dull.

He couldn't imagine the malicious looks he would face if he pushed Calvin out in such a grand manner without the obstruction of these comrades.

He took a deep breath, looked at Walden who was sitting in the chief position, lowered his head and admitted his mistake: "My thinking was too simplistic. It is an unforgivable mistake to speak rashly at such a node that determines the fate of the chapter. I I will go to the confessional court to receive my punishment after the meeting.”

Then, he looked at the comrades present around him and said: "What can we do now? I don't want to wait any longer. The battle group has shed enough blood! Let us do something."

When all eyes were focused on the Chief Grand Instructor again, he stood up and lived up to everyone's expectations and said to all the officers:

"My order! The current schedule for the outside world remains unchanged, but from now on, the battle group will prepare internally to welcome new blood. The schedule for the fourth company remains unchanged; the Guardian Order of the third company is responsible for expanding the think tank and preparing for the training of new recruits. ; The Eighth Company Silver Blade Order will build 10 new training halls, and the specific construction will be handed over to the Sixth Company Sword Order! The Second Company Victory Blade Order will be responsible for counting the weapons inventory and adding the corresponding equipment shortages to Mars' next cycle of equipment delivery. List! But don’t join it all at once, just add it in batches...according to the legion! The fifth company custodian will reserve the gene seed cultivation quota from Mars for two cycles. Finally, my number. The First Company of Sword Holders and the Seventh Company of Blackmailers will be responsible for all external operations in the next hundred years!”

After issuing all the orders in one breath, the Supreme Master looked at everyone: "Are there any questions?"

In silence, everyone stood up and bowed their heads to show their approval.

Walden did not wait for their ceremony, but pressed the communication device at hand to notify Calvin and the champion guards at the door of their entry.

Then he said to the Grand Masters present: "Since there is no problem, then as a reward for our group of veterans' final dedication, let us witness this great moment together and witness the initiation ceremony of our Primarch."

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