Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes

Chapter 37 The Life of Silver Blade

Bang... Bang! Bang! Bang!

In the Silver Blade recruit training ground, two huge figures in the central cage were fighting fiercely.

Both Astartes were only wearing training armor. In a space of less than 20 square meters, they swung their edgeless training swords at a high frequency at a speed that mortal eyes could not catch.

In this level of cold weapon melee, strength and speed are the most basic entry tickets.

If you don't even have this, then you don't even have the qualifications to know the form of your own death.

For such an enemy, it is difficult for mortal dynamic vision to even capture the movements, let alone the possibility of counterattack.

Low-quality quantity is no longer meaningful in this environment, unless like those Krieg Legions who are rushing to death in silence, they sacrifice several times more than the enemy in exchange for a chance to die together, there may be a glimmer of victory.

The best way to fight against Astartes is another Astartes, and this principle also applies here.

The two Astartes in the field are indeed explaining this principle with their own actions.

With the long-term and high-frequency confrontation, the two fighters in good condition rarely gave each other obvious opportunities.

Therefore, the final result of the battle could only be determined by the subtle advantages and disadvantages of the center of gravity caused by the difference in the positions of the two sides when the battle started.

This is a rare high-level, equal-level competition.

As the advantaged side continued to confront and pressure the disadvantaged side, the close combat that lasted for a full 10 minutes was about to be decided.

When one of the two fighting parties could no longer maintain his center of gravity cycle, the opponent's premeditated final attack also arrived at the same time.

This is a feeling of despair, that is, the opponent knows how you will die, and you know it yourself, but you are unable to resist the arrival of the fatal blow.

The fighters around the cage could no longer bear the passionate emotions and shouted excitedly to the field together.

The paladin Gavins in the field stretched out his right hand and pulled up the captain of the eighth company, Jules, who was lying on the ground.

After a simple hug, Gavins raised his hands to announce his victory to the people around him.

He indicated that the brothers who were interested in fighting him could do it again without worrying about his physical strength.

However, in the recruit company, except for the great mentor Aidan, the recognized strongest warrior captain Jules had already fallen under Gavins's violent attack.

The remaining recruits had no interest in a battle that was bound to fail, and the veterans also smelled something strange from Gavins' seemingly disordered but stable breathing.

Wolves always get smarter as they get older, and so do warriors. This group of veterans smelled a conspiracy in Gavins, who seemed not to have used all his strength in the seemingly fierce confrontation just now.

Such an enemy made the old wolves lose interest in the next game, and the scene cooled down for a while.

So Gavins had to turn around and look at Calvin in the corner of the field.

He had not joined the cheering from the beginning, and he was sitting quietly in the corner with his eyes closed, meditating all the time.

"Brother Calvin! Are you interested in a hearty battle?" Gavins shouted loudly.

Meditation is a new ability that Calvin has recently developed.

The specific function is that after watching a battle, he can use multi-threaded deductions during meditation to bring himself into the side of the battle and practice his combat methods in a completely practical way.

This kind of confrontation is different from the way of holding back in the iron cage. The battle for the purpose of fighting each other includes but is not limited to martial arts, psychological games, position selection, timing of attack, etc.

The emergence of this ability really makes Calvin very happy. He is like an Internet addict who can't stop, and he is really addicted.

But also different from the iron cage in reality, when the confrontation fails, the opponent will not hold back like in training.

On the contrary, these emotionless opponents in the deduction will only kill without mercy after Calvin reveals a flaw.

Calvin, who was killed repeatedly, was a little dazed. Hundreds of various but real ways of death in a short period of time made his spirit far beyond ordinary people a little overwhelmed.

And his fighting skills began to advance by leaps and bounds at the cost of these deaths.

The first simulated enemy in Calvin's meditation was Gavins.

From the beginning, he had only brute force, but could only be easily killed by being played with.

It took Calvin a full month to be able to kill the opponent by force with his own reaction speed and strength without any skills.

After completing the kill, Calvin had no time to breathe, and was shocked to see two identical Gavins "refreshed" on the opposite side in the meditation world...

After being killed without resistance again, Calvin learned from his pain.

He began to search for all the memories related to the battle in his memory. It was only at this time that he realized that the possession of memory and complete absorption are not the same thing.

At least for the former extreme champion Calvin, the Ultramar champion swordsmanship that made him famous, and other matching footwork skills and secondary weapon skills.

He actually just learned it in a cursory manner, and was still far from mastering it thoroughly.

On the other hand, the equally impressive Iverson assassin Calvin, his claw knife killing skills that used every possible means, and the matching psychic shadow steps of the anti-inertial gravity law, Calvin learned loneliness.

As for Calvin's other martial arts, he probably knew about them, but he didn't know what they were.

The advantage of the brain's ability to think faster than reality is enhanced by multi-threading in Calvin, and the effect is almost ten times or a hundred times more effective.

During the daytime classes, except for the morning class on military knowledge and discipline in the Silver Blade's auditorium, he could not close his eyes and meditate.

He made full use of the free time after afternoon training sessions and evening prayers as much as possible.

One month in real time corresponds to at least ten times more fighting time in meditation.

After the two Gavins are dealt with, there are three Gavins.

Not surprisingly, Calvin once again resisted for less than two minutes and was successfully strangled by three people who cooperated tacitly. The cost was only one person's disability.

Because he was always fighting against Gavins alone, Calvin had become more and more familiar with his behavior.

He didn't bother to change his target, he just followed one and fought to death, and achieving results was his character.

So after a month of suffering, Calvin finally became proficient in Ultramar swordsmanship and finally broke the tacit sword network of the three Gavins on the opposite side, and died together with one of them.

Although the result was still the pain of death, Calvin, who had been depressed for a month, couldn't help but feel proud.

When Gavins called Calvin in the real world, it happened to be when he ended this meditation.

The pain and anger of being decapitated by the two remaining Gavins during meditation, coupled with the nearly sleepless battle for a month, made Calvin look calm when he looked at Gavins in reality. But full of killing intent.

He bared his teeth at the unsuspecting Gavins and said, "Okay, here we go."

Gavins was also pricked by this unexpected look, which was not in line with his assessment of Calvin...

In his impression, the original body, which had not completely mastered a set of basic combat skills, had an absolute advantage physically.

But under the "deliberate care" of the experienced Gavins, there was absolutely no chance of turning around.

(I would like to explain here that the targeting of Calvin is by no means malicious, but an instruction from the Supreme Master. Making the original body aware of the fragility of his current martial arts as much as possible is an effective way to prevent him from wanting to go out. These are the original words of the Grand Master. .)

The secrets about the Primarch were not spread. Except for the company commanders of each company, the Arbiters and soldiers further down did not know.

The ten champion swordsmen whom the mentors had intentionally guided into the scene were originally the prototypes of the original Honor Guard for the Primarch.

What is the mission of the Honor Guard? Defending their Primarch at every turn, of course.

Especially since the original body of the Gray Knights came so hard and hard, if possible, the Grand Masters would not mind throwing the entire Order of Holy Knights to Calvin's side.

Carry out all-weather, 360-degree, no-dead-center security work, if Calvin does not protest.

But considering that Calvin has not gone out in the past ten years and is not allowed to go out; and the honor guard with ten champions in daily life is still too eye-catching even in his own Titan base.

Therefore, after the suggestion (protest) of the Primarch Calvin himself, the Grand Masters finally compromised.

They decided to choose the strongest among the ten champions in front of them to accompany their sacred Primarch on the honorary mission of rotating learning for 10 years in the entire Chapter.

In the end, the experienced high-level paladin Gavins won the final victory in this battle using some less honorable combat techniques.

So on the second day of the induction ceremony in the chapel, under the leadership of Grand Master Aidan, the Silver Blade warriors welcomed two special new brothers in the Victory Hall.

The new recruits don't know their origins. They only know that two new comrades have recently arrived, and they are both ridiculously strong.

The two of them had huge differences in their styles during their daily afternoon fighting training:

He rarely competed, but looking at his huge body, the new recruits had no intention of challenging, and the old wolves didn't want to be embarrassed.

The other one was extremely aggressive and went from private to arbiter without a single defeat in the first day of the cage match.

In the end, he defeated company commander Yule more than once in a one-on-one cage duel.

Today, these two powerful people who have never met before will compete in the iron cage under the witness of everyone.

Such a high-level battle that can be seen at a glance cannot help but make the soldiers curious and excited.

Even Aidan, the company's great mentor who rarely showed up because he was busy with official duties, quietly stood beside the company captain at some point. Together with the company commander, they looked seriously and solemnly at the battle that was about to begin in the cage.

The battle is about to break out.

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