Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes

Chapter 47 Ignorance and being forced to guard the house

On the waterways in the solar system, there are still countless merchant ships and warships passing by. The starport on the moon is still busy receiving these ships and goods from all over the empire.

The trip back to Titan was uneventful. A blank channel temporarily opened with authorization from Mars allowed the cruiser to quietly reach the outer reaches of Titan. After passing through the fog of war, the Gray Knights finally returned to their cathedral fortress Titan, or as they affectionately call it: Titan.

Calvin, who returned to the base, handed over the soldiers brought back from this trip to the custodians of the fifth company, and had no other tasks in his hands for the time being.

According to the original plan, he would also end his one-year career as aide-de-camp after debriefing the Supreme Master.

As planned, he will be transferred to the third company, the company of the Order of the Guardian Shapers, to learn the practical application of psychic powers from the best think tank brothers in the chapter.

The specific length of study time depends on his learning speed.

All in all, in the next year or even a few years, studying hard about subspace and psychic energy will be his main life content.

There are always surprises in everything, and the return trip originally planned by the Supreme Master Walden was slightly delayed due to the unsatisfactory war.

According to the information replied by the frontline fleet, the Grand Master's expected arrival date at Saturn will continue to be postponed, and there is no specific date.

So right now, Calvin is in a state of neglect where his new position has not been confirmed and his old position has not been reported.

Calvin also thought about eliminating some administrative procedures that might be unnecessary.

He went directly to the headquarters of the Order of the Guardian Shapers, found Eric Urdas, the Grand Master in charge of the order, and told him that he did not want to wait needlessly. It would be a very good thing for Calvin if he could directly start the next stage of study with his permission.

But Urdas rejected Calvin, and he explained to Calvin frankly: Contrary to what Calvin expected, the Guardian Shaper's training on the psychic side of the Gray Knight recruits was completely different from that of Calvin. Wen has seen training subjects in other companies.

Different from common general subjects such as strength, purity, will, stability and other subjects, the core subjects of the Gray Knight recruit training by the Guardian Shapers are divided into two types. One is the identification and corresponding treatment of demons; the other is being a gray knight. Knights fight as a team and must use group psychic skills when necessary. Or as they call it - laws.

But unfortunately, the identification of demons, the memory of their true names, and their corresponding treatment methods all require the use of a valuable core asset of the Chapter - the Exorcism Book.

It was a book that had been kept by the Shapers for a long time and recorded 666 demon forms, treatment methods, and the most important information - the true name.

The conditions for the use of this sacred exorcism book have always had strict permission requirements. Every time it is removed from the relic shelf by the think tank of the Chapter, it must be approved by the Grand Master of the Chapter.

When the Grand Master himself is not present on the Titan, the Guardian Shaper has no right to take it out and use it privately.

To take it out without permission because of Calvin's request would be considered a serious act of sacrilege, and Urdas was powerless to do anything about it.

As for the team application of the second training subject, psionic energy, Calvin briefly tried it with the think tank brothers of the battle group, accompanied by Urdas.

But unfortunately, in the past, this training was often interrupted due to excessive losses. With Calvin's participation, a problem arose that they had never encountered before and had no chance to think about: no one can withstand Calvin's training. Psionics.

Any release of psychic energy with Calvin's participation always fails at the first moment of coordinating each other's psychic energy fluctuations. The huge psychic energy always makes it impossible for them to coordinate the use of everyone's power at this step, and even more so. Forget about the next step of specifically directional buffing a certain brother.

The opposite is also true, no one's psychic energy can have a predetermined beneficial effect on Calvin. After several attempts, the expected results were not achieved.

In the last experiment, eleven brothers, including Grand Master Urdas, initiated a joint spellcasting that was unprecedented in terms of intensity.

But unfortunately, after the seemingly majestic wave of spiritual energy entered Calvin's body, it was like a mud cow entering the sea, without any response.

After trying to go around in circles, the whole day passed like this. Even if Calvin doesn't need to rest, the Guardian Shaper brothers who were tortured by him still need to enter a state of recovery after their spiritual energy dries up.

Looking at the tired faces of his comrades and seniors, Calvin really couldn't insist on trying to increase manpower. In the end, he could only walk out of the Shaper Guards' station accompanied by Urdas.

With nowhere to go, Calvin finally returned to his dedicated dormitory at the bottom of Titan.

Yes, he has his own dedicated living area, located right next to the trial hall.

This arrangement was originally just a suggestion by the Grand Masters to let Calvin choose a residence out of respect for their own Primarch.

And Calvin, who had just gone through the induction ceremony at that time, obviously would not forget the harassment he encountered from the demon below the Titan in the trial hall.

After questioning all the mentors present, Calvin roughly knew the origin of this demon and its significance to the entire Gray Knights Chapter.

The history of this great demon, according to recorded information, can even be traced back to the earliest history of mankind on Terra.

According to legend, this is a special demon born because of humans.

After consulting the information about it, the predecessors of the Prophet Brotherhood speculated that it was probably born from the spiritual projection of one of the first crimes of mankind.

Precisely because he represents the concept of original sin unique to mankind, he cannot be expelled or eliminated like other demons.

Even in some unreliable records, the Emperor himself once tried to destroy this stubborn demon, but in the end it could not be killed by the human Emperor because of its special characteristics.

Of course, such information is pure nonsense in the eyes of the Gray Knights! Therefore, after accessing this information, after careful consideration by the instructors, this information was destroyed on the spot.

In short, due to various reasons, this demon eventually became more powerful as time went by, and Terra's solution to it was to find a suitable place in the orbit of Saturn to seal it.

This seal has probably lasted for nearly 20,000 years.

It wasn't until the Gray Knights were ordered to build an army here that after arriving on Titan, they not only accepted the fortress monastery prepared by the emperor for them, but also accepted the long-term mission of being stationed here to guard the demon's seal.

And this is also the reason why the Gray Knights obviously do not lack places to recruit soldiers (everywhere in the empire in the galaxy can be recruited by the Gray Knights), nor do they lack armed equipment (not just Mars, in fact the entire Mechanicum) All within the scope of the agreement to provide equipment to the Gray Knights), but one of the biggest reasons why they can only be trapped in Titan with insufficient manpower.

They must ensure that the vicious curse deliberately directed against humanity by the Chaos Gods in this sense of the Warp is not accidentally released.

When the opponent cannot be eliminated, sending reliable people to station here and seal it for a long time is actually a helpless move by the Gray Knights and the entire human empire.

In the nearly 40,000-year history of the empire, the end has never been far away from her. It's just that there are always people who sacrifice themselves in exchange for the continuation of her life.

The sacrifices never stop, but the war continues.

To Mr. Sun Hanwei, who has been selflessly contributing to the management of our book club group, let’s take a look at his works:

Book title: "Interesting Boring"

A very interesting book, suitable for you to read from the perspective of a one-man talk show. Friends who are interested can read more.

Thanks again to Mr. Sun Hanwei for your silent dedication. You accompanied and encouraged me through the difficult period of writing. Thanks!

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