Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes

Chapter 71 Documents and Diaries 2

Chapter 71 Documents and Diaries-2

File 2: 0705.650.M39

After receiving the resettlement documents, the lives of my comrades and I changed dramatically because of these two thin pieces of legal paper.

We were transformed from unpopular battlefield remnants accepted on humanitarian grounds to titular Imperial heroes and local nobles among the millions of planets in the future Empire.

For me, the second son of a nobleman who was originally born in Zhongji Academy, such a change can be called a glorious ancestor.

Not to mention that a large part of the surviving comrades are civilians from the bottom of the hive city. This change has indeed healed my or our pain in a sense.

Compared with such rewards, the sacrifices of the dead comrades seem to have become meaningful. Just as the text in Gothic on the resettlement order says: "If you do not fail the empire, the empire will not fail you."

Imperial nobles, yes, from the moment we receive the resettlement edict, from the moment our names are recorded in the heraldic library of the Imperial Senate.

Our destiny has been accepted and bound by this ancient empire.

From now on, the empire will no longer look at our descendants with the eyes of civilians who are not even consumables.

We, and our descendants, at least have some sense of existence in the eyes of the Empire.

The changes brought about by such honor and preferential treatment will be long-lasting and lasting.

He is reflected in all aspects, from rituals to salary, from power to reputation. If placed in the hands of people who are good at management, this legacy can even last for thousands of years.

And if we go one step further, the family is fortunate enough to be able to contribute even one successful new blood to the Emperor's Angels among several or even dozens of generations of young members while the foundation is still there.

Then what awaits the family will be a smooth road to real prosperity.

A family that can provide soldiers for the Astartes Chapter is considered a true noble;

Only then can one prove the excellence of one’s family from a genetic level, and then be accepted by those ancient forerunners;

Only then can we establish relationships with the core forces among the countless people in these empires who can truly participate in decision-making affairs;

Only then can the family have its own voice in the galaxy, segment and even the star region where the family is located and not be ignored.

And the beginning of all this is that you must first successfully pass the selection from among the billions of people in the empire to become a glorious imperial defense force.

Then, he spent nearly a century or more in service as cannon fodder, which was only higher than the planetary local forces in the imperial armed forces.

You have to do everything you can to survive on the battlefields in various parts of the empire and at the hands of all kinds of monsters and monsters that the empire faces.

If you are lucky, during your service career, you have never encountered the kind of fierce battle that affects the entire galaxy; nor have you experienced the pollution of those unexplainable beings;

In the end, you are fortunate enough to have never been sacrificed by your own high-ranking commanders as a bargaining chip; or even for some strange reasons, such as some gray cans among your comrades, or because you may have seen a man holding a double gun and carrying a backpack. If a man with a sword passes by and is shot by some passing angels.

So congratulations, you at least have the chance to persevere until the day your regiment is properly used as cannon fodder.

In this fierce battle that was comparable to the final judgment, I don’t know whether it was luck or misfortune, but you survived.

To be precise, you survived after bearing the sacrifices of all the comrades you had ever seen.

Then you have the treatment I have now, a thin piece of legal paper, yellow, worthless.

But it is an edict that allows you to become an imperial noble.

The journey was so difficult, but we were lucky enough to persevere until the end. The rewards are so great, but I still wonder if it was all worth it every night when I dream about it.

It's probably worth it. This can be seen from the envy in the eyes of the comrades on the ship who learned that we were leaving other regiments.

We spent a whole week getting used to this change, imagining ourselves as a noble lord.

In this regard, I am not much better than my brothers who were born as commoners. Because the second son of a family like me, after being proven to have no potential to become an Astartes after birth, the only option is to be thrown into the Tadashi Academy. result.

I never even had the opportunity to see what my family's core hall looked like until I reached adulthood.

This is also the reason why I chose to deny it when the heraldry scholar sent by the empire later asked me whether I should add my family's symbol to my own coat of arms.

I don’t have a family, if I must have one. Then my family is my regiment, my coat of arms is our regimental emblem, and my family members should of course be my brothers.

I don’t know which philosopher said that happiness has relative attributes.

I deeply believe that, before we were immersed in the failure of the army and lost the opportunity to rebuild, before we got a clear resettlement, we were like a rabbit that forgot the goal while running, and we were always anxious that we could not continue running. Don’t you know that the whistle at the end has been blowing for a long time?

When a placement order that we had never really thought about before and only occasionally talked about drunkenly was placed in front of us, we felt a little uncomfortable.

But the discomfort is short-lived. In the days after we get rid of the negative emotions, we are grateful for our current situation every day.

When we were thinking about our future lives, my brothers and I were thinking about how to bring our relatives who were far away from home to our new home.

And in this new home that belongs to us, how happy can we and our relatives live? Yep. Relatives, relatives of the living and relatives of the dead.

Presumably those regimental commanders and other comrades who have already sat down in the Emperor's presence will also be happy for us.

The happy time is always short, the ship to the SATA galaxy is here. More than a hundred of us also embarked on our own road, the road home, in the eyes of envy and blessings from many brothers in other corps.

Another note: The Old Bailey ruthlessly rejected my proposal to support him in old age. He said he could work for at least another 200 years. Nonsense...

File three: 1125.650.M39

We finally arrived at our promised land after 4 months of traveling.

What greeted us was Sir Bernard, the permanent undersecretary of the previous governor, the speaker of the parliament of many nobles in the current hive, the tribune of the Imperial Fourth Class, and the holder of the Order of St. Janine.

The local nobles represented by him held a warm and friendly welcome dinner for our group of roe deer who came from afar.

From his cautious and scrutinizing eyes, I knew that he was full of doubts about whether my appointment would affect the existing interests of his family.

But when I perform my duties accompanied by an envoy from the Sector Garrison, I am relying on the authority of the entire empire. In any case, he will not raise any doubts about my legitimacy here, and that is enough.

I don't need his approval or support. It seemed to me that my military background gave me adequate support here in the Astra Militarum.

And with the tacit approval of the Ministry of Military Affairs, the eight hundred veterans I received from various regiments when I left Mandela District are my greatest wealth.

In order to give these veterans a good way out, these regiment leaders owe me a lot of favors. The veterans themselves, except for a few who were from heavy armored corps, basically brought out the equipment they carried.

These 800 men might be placed on a real battlefield, but they might not be enough to kill or injure a large company in a desperate charge.

But in a paradise-like world like the hive city, my small company with thousands of people is the greatest guarantee for us to fight for our own interests, and this is exactly the case.

The first Governor-General's order I issued after assuming my duties was to remove the original Governor's law enforcement forces from their posts on the spot.

They might have had some ideas originally, but looking at the nearly 1,000 regular Astra Militarum veterans in my hands, the reception and reorganization work went surprisingly smoothly. Well, it has absolutely nothing to do with the hot-wire laser gun in our hands, believe it or not.

The Standing Secretary's military capabilities are in shambles, which is in line with his family background that has been developed in the country for more than ten generations.

Several local families are also very closely united behind him. I really appreciate this attitude of holding together for warmth. Aren't we the same?

Therefore, after I established the military rights, I did not make any changes to his existing areas regarding government affairs.

I was only promoted from the position of Deputy Secretary to Chief Deputy Secretary under the witness of several other local families.

This was in response to his repeated complaints to me that his work intensity was too high. After adding a few more colleagues who were half a level below him, his labor intensity would surely be effectively reduced.

As for the salary and establishment of a few people, since it was originally caused by the governor's internal anger, I think I can still afford it.

Happy ending, I guess.

File 3: 660.M39

At the tenth anniversary celebration of my appointment as governor-general, my permanent undersecretary, Sir Bernard, introduced me to a rogue trader who had come from a distant land and was said to be able to solve some "little troubles that had troubled me for a long time."

After the ceremony, I met this rogue trader named Sidney in the auditorium, and he gave me a seed.

According to him, the fruit produced by this seed can effectively relieve the pain of those old injuries during the rainy season, which is really useful for my brothers and me.

As I grew older, the "gifts" from the enemies on the battlefield kept me awake at night, and this was even more true for the veterans in the regiment.

Everyone was still laughing and joking during the day, and nothing seemed out of the ordinary, but the logistics supervisor submitted monthly purchase requirements to me regarding the harsh quantity and intensity of use of painkillers.

And as time goes by, there are fewer and fewer drugs that can effectively relieve pain due to drug resistance.

To be precise, there are fewer and fewer cheap and effective painkillers, and the expensive ones, thankfully, I can afford for the time being.

I planted the seeds in the banquet hall behind the auditorium, which is usually very quiet when there are no ritual needs.

The fountain in the center of the hall has the best sunlight and moisture in the entire church-like building. I planted it on the soil in the center of the fountain with full hope, waiting for it to bloom and bear fruit.

And this is the beginning of all sins.

The seeds did not grow as I expected. After waiting for a long time, I conveyed my questions through Sir Bernard to the Rogue Trader who was still stranded in the sector due to business.

The news that came back caught me off guard: what this seed needs to grow is neither sunlight, nor water, nor soil. It's flesh and blood, it's soul.

Ser Bernard prevented me from reporting to the Astra Militarum and the Imperial Inquisition.

According to him, this rogue trader has been behaving like this for a long time. To be able to walk openly in the empire despite such behavior is indispensable for the support of a big shot or a certain group behind him.

I could never afford to offend such a big shot, so I followed Sir's advice.

File 4: 1221.666.M39

The letter from the Inquisition made me terrified. Why are the values ​​abnormal? Why is there still a missing judge? Is it true that if people just sit at home, the trouble comes from Terra?

After asking Sir Bernard and checking the entry records for the past 20 years, I learned that there was a missing inquisitor on the mining planet next door thirteen years before I took office.

I asked Sir Bernard. Fortunately, neither the mining planet nor the agricultural planet has anything to do with the local nobles.

The benefits of this group of wastes who know nothing but fighting for power are unexpectedly reflected here. They are completely incompetent in management and operation and have outsourced the management rights of these branch planets very early. As for management, Right, it's even more of a joke.

In the Governor's Mansion, apart from the photos of the heads of the security forces of the two planets, I didn't even see them in person. From the beginning to the end, they only served the real BOSS who contracted these businesses.

And I happen to know this person, the rogue trader Sidney, he is really an old acquaintance...

What makes me even more heavy-hearted is another thing that I cannot tell anyone: that seed sprouted.

In the morning, I saw the place where there should not be any vegetation. Under the sacred light of the sun passing through the church-style painted glass windows, the beauty of life contained in the green leaves of the buds that broke out of the ground. .

But it creeps me out. Because I know what it costs! I don't even need confirmation to know that there must be a corpse lying under this black soil!

Who did it? No, who knows this condition? Who else was present besides Bernard when he met the rogue trader?

Mechanicus Constance? No, he has no need for this thing. That leaves only my guard leader, Captain Pierson, who followed me all the way out of the mountains of corpses and sea of ​​blood.

From a demand perspective, he does have reason to do so. With 60 years of service and more than 200 battles, the scars on his body have always been his glory, not a burden.

And most of the most exaggerated scars on his body were left to protect me. I really don’t want it to be him...

Pierson finally admitted it, and we had the worst fight since arriving on this planet, because of the above.

I cannot accept such an evil act happening around me, but I also cannot send my comrades to the Inquisition. We chose to resolve it internally.

All 155 brothers were called to the banquet hall by me, and then they chose sides between me and Pearson.

Fortunately, most people chose me in the end. Pierson swallowed his gun and committed suicide in despair. His remaining men who participated in this sacrilegious ritual were also surrounded and suppressed by us in the later battle.

After the battle, I blocked the banquet hall and announced to the outside world that I particularly disliked the decoration style of this hall.

No one asked about such sudden and obvious personnel changes and vacancies after I explained them.

The fact that the incident was calmed down in such a simple way gave me a deeper understanding of the planetary management system with the Governor as the de facto monarch, but I would rather not have this opportunity to understand.

I am Hailan, the governor of the empire, Hailan.

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