Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes

Chapter 98: Thousands of people point fingers at each other

It's 2:40 a.m., or a quarter of an hour Imperial time. Irina Valley, Outpost No. 55, a former Imperial Guard and current Chaos rebel camp.

"Wake up, Edmund. It's your squad's turn to duty!"

"Wake up, I'm telling you to wake up!"


Sergeant Ehorn, who cried out for defeat, violently made close contact with his big feet and the other's face exposed outside the sleeping bag.

"Hiss! You are sick, aren't you..." The other party finally woke up from the hangover from the previous night under Ehorn's "forceful call for service".

"The leader calls you, it's your team's turn to be on duty."

Seeing that the other party had regained consciousness, Sergeant Ehorn left these words, turned around and walked out of the dilapidated marching tent with the laser gun in his hand.

"You've already left the empire, and you're still on duty. You're on duty! It's been so many years since the political commissar has been dead. Who do you show it to? It's time for you to wake up! The boss of the military command department can't control us anymore!"

Edmund shouted at the other person's leaving figure, but Sergeant Ehorn seemed not to hear him and left without looking back.

Complaints were complaints, but Edmund, who had sobered up, still endured the hangover headache and woke up everyone around him one by one.

In fifteen minutes, Edmund and his six men will put on their equipment and crawl out of their tent.

Just after they left their tents, the soldiers who were supposed to be waiting for their shift at the outpost couldn't wait to walk into the tent, unfold their sleeping bags, and then get in to enjoy their rest time.

Yes, this outpost is the former 9th Oman Regiment of the Imperial Guard planned to be stationed here by the Military Command, and is now the 9th Company of the Arena Hyena Regiment.

The Chapter Astartes they originally followed to be loyal to had already abandoned everything here after the failure of the first defensive war in trying to station here.

A considerable part of the "intangible heritage" that was abandoned included the 9th Omani Guards Regiment of the Imperial Guard, which was shattered and almost wiped out in the fierce front-line battle to resist the charge of the Chaos warband.

Please note here that it is a close guard, not a royal guard.

The latter means that they are directly within the scope of the mortal auxiliary army establishment of the glorious and great Sun Star Domain. From weapons to equipment, from personnel allocation to armor configuration, they are directly supplied by the Imperial Military Command Headquarters.

The Guardsmen are as wealthy as they want, and have been a symbol of loyalty and combat effectiveness since ancient times.

The former is simply poor.

We need guns but not guns, we need cannons but not cannons, we need armored vehicles but not equipped vehicles; the ceiling of heavy firepower for the entire regiment is a few heavy logging guns that have been out of use for who knows how long, and they have to save bullets.

Therefore, the tactical positioning of the entire regiment is just to defend the area, or close guard for short.

There is no way, this army has never been rich since its establishment.

Not to mention them, even their theoretical master, the sub-group that was not even recognized by the mother group of the Ultramarines, was a poor man himself, let alone a group of unlucky guys like them who were recruited and formed on the spot.

The current remnants of the 9th Omani Guards Regiment, oh no, it is the 9th Company of the Arena Hyena Regiment that received a new designation after the surrender. It should have 76 people, but the actual number is 75. (Even the cook, Old Hunter, was the first I just had a cerebral hemorrhage and died because I drank too much industrial alcohol.)

The reason why so many people survived on the Chaos battlefield is because their resistance, although fierce in their own eyes, was truly scratchy in the eyes of the Chaos Space Marines who were crushing them head-on. All are indebted.

The Chaos warbands who were busy looting the arsenals of the Imperial Chapters Astartes stationed here had no time or bother to slaughter them all.

The remaining remnants of this waste group are still ignored no matter where they are, and the same is true on Chaos.

In other words, Chaos, which does not have a stable base to produce necessary supplies and relies on robbing the entire army for food and drink, actually has higher requirements for vassals.

Therefore, in the eyes of the Chaos Lords of the Skull Reavers, this kind of thing, which has no use other than to collect head KPIs during festivals, is only worthy of guarding this kind of garbage outpost that does not even have a fixed water source.

The remaining six companies occupied some traffic arteries and oases in the desert as checkpoints.

Yes, you read that right, the Skulltaker warband has a total of 8 companies of auxiliary troops stationed on this planet.

The reason why the 9th Company is called the 9th Company is simply because the Skull Snatchers were worried that giving them the 8th Company with the number eight, the sacred number of the Skull Lord, would make people feel that they were disrespectful to the Lord of the Skull.

Under the cold moonlight, Edmund and his six men walked to the already deserted sentry post.

The surroundings seemed a little different, but not that different.

"It's so cold...ah..."

A gust of breeze blew over Edmund's body. He shivered greatly from the cold, and then with a slight "click" sound, he lost consciousness forever...

The surrounding scene slowly returned to reality in strange distortions. The Gray Knights, who had taken off the disguise of psychic hypnosis, carefully piled aside the mortals whose necks were broken in their hands.

Following Calvin's command, the entire Gray Knights team began to move towards the high point inside the checkpoint.

After controlling this high point, they can safely "clean" the entire camp slowly and under as quiet a condition as possible.

The whole process went very smoothly, which also benefited from the extraordinary ability of these Gray Knights to control their own bodies.

When necessary, they can uncharacteristically control the sound caused by their huge weight to be as quiet and deadly as big cats.

The magnetic boots, which are lightly wrapped in psychic energy, do not stir up a trace of dust when they land. Combined with the single-molecule power dagger used for close execution, the whole killing looks like a different kind of beauty.

But accidents happen. Without unexpected tasks, just like dance music without variations, it will make people feel boring and boring.

All the surrounding tents in the entire camp have been cleared away, except for the main tent in the center.

A psyker, or the only psyker in the Chapter. Walked out of the largest tent in the center of the entire camp.

There was so much noise in the tent.

It seems that the function there is not limited to the headquarters during the day. When night comes, it is also a good place for these mortal soldiers who have lost their discipline and faith to gamble.

Before the psyker who opened the tent curtain could take a breath of fresh air, what he saw was the surrounding killing scene and the Gray Knights watching him silently.

Frightened, he subconsciously grasped the staff in his hand, and the spiritual energy that arose in an instant was about to send a signal to his comrades behind him.

It was too late to silence him. The distance of more than ten steps and the unique strength of will of the psyker meant that the Gray Knights had no good way to deal with the warning he was about to give.

There was a look of triumph in the psyker's eyes, and a lifetime of frustration and frustration seemed to be understood in this scene:

"No matter how powerful you are, you still can't stop me from fighting to the death."

This proud mood lasted until he saw Calvin.

When his eyes glanced around subconsciously, a huge figure with only icy blue eyes slowly walked out of the darkness.

The psyker's eyes seemed to be glued and unable to turn away from the moment he saw this figure.

In his spiritual vision, this is not a human being! An unknown giant spirit walked towards him from the starry sky.

The other party's body was so towering like a cloud that he couldn't even see his face clearly; the other party's figure was so sacred that his eyes felt stinging just by looking at it.

At this moment, the crown-like halo on this figure's head is oppressing him directly to his soul:

This terrifying scene that challenged the limits of his cognition pushed his sanity to the limit, while countless souls he had never seen before were flying around the giant spirit while sending out blasts to him that could shatter his soul. shout.

These voices could not be heard in reality, but they surged overwhelmingly in his soul:

"You are guilty!"

"You are guilty!"

"God says, you must atone for your sins!"

"You should die to apologize!"

Such a strong collision of consciousness caused the corners of the psyker's eyes to split instantly, and blood and tears flowed from his eyes like springs.

The cry for help he held in his mouth was delayed because of the oppression at the soul level.

"I'm not guilty... I'm... not..." His will struggled to resist in the storm for less than half a second, and then died.

The dimension of time in the spiritual world is far faster than reality, not to mention that this kind of battle can be called a short battle in the spiritual world.

Such a result is reflected in reality, that is, under Calvin's distant gaze, a psychic's head explodes like a watermelon just because of the collision of his eyes.

This is a battle between psykers. Once the difference in power between each other is too large, the balance will be instantly unbalanced and the loser will pay the full price.

And under the even more outrageous power contrast between Calvin and this psyker, once the souls of both parties collide, the scene will definitely be as brutal and cruel as it is now.

The so-called "Thousands of people point to it, but it ends in vain." This is truly reflected in this idealistic universe.

The alarm was lifted and the operation continued.

The surrounding Gray Knights continued to march. After surrounding the central tent, they threw two special concussion grenades into it.

As the gaps in the tent lit up twice with white light, the Gray Knights rushed in and cleaned up the remaining people in the tent who had lost the ability to resist one by one.

On the other side of the camp, Calvin, who was supporting the entire operation from a high place, looked thoughtfully at the target direction of the mission in the distance.

Mechanical Priest Constantine, who was watching the whole battle beside him, was using the data pad in his hand to confirm the remaining distance and marching time.

"At the current speed, we should see the target location in two hours." Constantine's voice came from behind Calvin.

Calvin looked at the sky in the distance that was beginning to turn white, and responded without looking back:

"Inform everyone and speed up the cleanup. We don't have much time left. I have a hunch that this operation will not go so smoothly."

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