Net King: Absolute Overlord

Chapter 29 29 Fighting spirit ignited

Chapter 29 29. Fighting spirit ignited
Akutsu is very emotional in daily life, but sometimes negative emotions can also provide benign help. For example, Akutsu is very unhappy with Yuya. He always wants to surpass Yuya. What he shows is that he can't wait to completely defeat Yuya. Yuya was beaten to death, but in fact he had no other performance except for practicing extra every day.

It can be said that everyone has seen it now. Although Akutsu looks very vicious, he will not hurt his own people. He even said that when someone comes to the tennis club to cause trouble, he only needs to send Akutsu out. Those Guys just know what to do.

Kano deliberately gave the stage to Akutsu, which allowed Akutsu to release his anger more freely. Although the tactic arranged by Ban Lao for the two of them was one person and half the court, Akutsu did not intervene except for the backcourt occupied by Kano. In addition, Kano's frontcourt has become Akutsu's stage, but even so, Akutsu still showed strong control over the game.

When he saw Kano and Akutsu on the stage, Sakaki Taro realized that this game was definitely not that easy to play, and even said that now he could start thinking about how to comfort the three singles players.

"Akutsu, are you ready to move around?"

"Of course it's done."

"Then let's end the game quickly. Kanbaru ended the game very quickly today. If the two of us delay for too long, he will have something to say."

"I see!"

It took two rounds to move his body, which meant that he was completely dominant. Only then could Kano say this.

It is still very difficult for Akutsu to understand how to cooperate with other people. Unless the opponent is extremely powerful and he has to choose to cooperate with his partner, otherwise, with the current opponent, Akutsu really dares to continue. Go give it a try.

After being stimulated by Yuya Kano, Akutsu immediately retreated to his own half, and then began to fully implement Banao's non-tactical arrangement.

When Kano and Akutsu started to attack in their own half, Okubo and Futara were under a lot more pressure. When Akutsu had exclusive possession of the ball just now, the two of them only had to deal with Akutsu, but There is still a Kano watching over there. It can be said that the opponent is not prepared to give them any chance to counterattack.

"Akutsu's spirit is really good and he is always so energetic."

"Kanbara, if Akutsu hears your evaluation of him, he will definitely challenge you immediately."

Hearing what Yuya said, Nakagaki smiled and replied. He had just won the doubles two match. Now Nakagaki and Suzuki's mission has been completed. Now in the doubles one match, Yamabuki's side has a huge advantage. Now He has already started preparing his acceptance speech.

As far as Yuya's singles strength is concerned, Nakagaki doesn't know how he should lose in the singles competition at the current junior high school level, unless there is still a third-grade Byodo-in in junior high school, but the overlord of Makinofuji is promoted to After high school, it seems that among the singles players in junior high school, no one has shown the level of strength that Byodoin had last year.

It can be said that many strong schools are likely to have gaps in their strength due to third-year players entering higher schools. This is not to say that those strong schools will not train players, but sometimes they do not have that kind of talent and there is no chance to train them, such as the Lions Raku Middle School was the dominant school in the Kyushu region. As a result, because of the departure of Tachibana Yoshihei and Chisato Chitose, in their third grade, they were defeated by Higa Middle School in the finals of the Kyushu competition.

In last year's national competition, there were few second-year players who performed particularly well. That is to say, Zenyuki Heira from Tentenhoji Temple was more powerful. But what Shitenhoji Temple could do, the most outstanding one was Zenyuki Heira, and the others did not. That kind of exceptional talent.

But now Yamabuki's lineup has reached the most perfect state in three years. After all, Nakagaki has no chance to wait for Yuya's second and third grade breakouts.In the blink of an eye, the score has reached 5:0, and now there are only four goals left before Akutsu and Kano win the game.

Akutsu, who holds the right to serve, threw the tennis ball high and stretched his body like a crescent moon. After the tennis ball reached the point, Akutsu's body quickly rebounded and hit the tennis ball to the opposite bottom corner.

"Wild Hunt."

With victory so close, Akutsu didn't intend to give the opponent any chance to counterattack, and directly used the only serving skill he currently had.

"That guy can do this too."

Okubo frowned when he saw Akutsu's wild hunting.

After the tennis ball fell to the ground, it split into five in an instant. Okubo, who was responsible for catching the ball, had to speed up his swing. He was not able to catch the changes in Akutsu's serving technique, so he could only play one ball at a time. Go try, but his luck is obviously not that special.

Akutsu served and scored, which put a bloodthirsty smile on his face. As a hunter, he must make his opponent unable to fight back. Although the wild hunting developed is not as sophisticated as Yuya's Pleiades Nova, But after watching the game between Nakagaki and Suzuki, he realized that even if he couldn't score directly by serving, he could control the landing point of the opponent's shot by controlling the direction of the ball. If he was playing singles, then he You can score quickly with this move.

Even beasts can use the terrain to hunt. So after being forced to use his brain to play, Akutsu also began to understand the wisdom of hunting, but there were too few opponents for him to practice these tricks. He didn't even get a chance to use it.

"Damn it, that guy still has such a trick hidden in his mind."

Atobe was very helpless when Akutsu showed his trump card in the last round and was going to win the doubles match directly. Even if he wanted to help Okubo and the others at this time, he had no chance.

"Brother, the players at Yamabuki are really amazing."

Yuta watched Akutsu score four consecutive serves, and looked at his brother excitedly and said.

Fuji didn't even have a chance to play. Looking at Akutsu who won the game and walked towards the preparation table, his heart was no longer calm. Yuya and Akutsu were both very powerful first-year players, but Fuji I really want to challenge them, I just want to defeat them on the field, but I need Yuya and Akutsu to participate in those games. As for fighting them in private, it doesn't make much sense.

Because no matter how many times you beat the opponent in private, as long as you lose to the opponent in the game, those times you win have no meaning.

Standing next to Fuji, Tezuka thought of what Yuya said to him before. He felt that it was time for him to deal with the injury on his arm first. Otherwise, if Aogaku meets Yamabuki again next year, no one can deal with Yuya and These two people are Akutsu.

 yesterday's update
(End of this chapter)

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