The sun is high

Chapter 28 Ladies Street

Facts have proved that these short-nosed dogs with a thin lineage of magical creatures have no way to compete with real magical creatures. Facing the crazy scratching and gnawing of the running rats, the short-nosed dogs can only twist and struggle as hard as they can. It was unable to make any other movements, and as it struggled, the three tails nailed deeply into its back began to stir back and forth, and the extremely corrosive dark green light continued to spread, causing more damaged skin and flesh. Falling off to the ground.

The terrifying scream of the blue-winged raven was heard again in mid-air. However, this time, the gunmen and dog handlers who had been prepared were not too obviously affected. Several of the gunmen had already finished firing their bullets. After reloading, they raised their weapons and aimed at the blue-winged raven flying in the air, while the dog handler picked up the whistle hanging around his neck and blew it hard.

As a member of the tracking team, he knew his responsibilities very well. The team did not carry a mage engraved with tracking magic. Therefore, once the three short-nosed dogs went missing, the entire tracking team's mission could only fail. , so the dog trainer eagerly sends a signal to the last hound he owns, trying to command it to return to the tightly defended crowd.

But at this moment, the blue-winged raven that had been flying and circling in the air, trying to avoid bullets and arrows, suddenly circled and folded its wings, just like an osprey preparing to rush into the water to catch its prey. , and started diving straight towards the crowd.

The female mage Wei Lin, who was hiding behind the trees in the distance, glanced at Xiuge, who was also concentrating on commanding the magical creatures next to her, and her palms that were originally clenched suddenly tightened.

All the magic stored in the bird skull as the summoning medium completely exploded with Wei Lin's instructions, which far exceeded the endurance limit of the skull, so countless rune lines flashed on the raven's body. As it stood up, its body began to dissipate, but its dive speed also became more alarming, even beyond the expectations of the Iris guards and gunners.

Like an arrow burning with light blue flames, the body of the blue-winged raven pierced the crowd.

An experienced iris double swordsman took a step horizontally, and swung the silver-plated sword decorated with iris pendants in his hand sharply, successfully hitting the raven's body just as it was about to rush into the crowd.

However, under the explosion and overdraft of magic power, the body of the magic raven has become as fragile as a phantom. The swordsman's long sword swept through the raven's body like cutting off a feather, turning it into a There were two pieces, and the bird skull at the front, which was the bearer of magic power, was driven by the remaining power to stab its target.


The whistle calling for the short-nosed dog suddenly stopped. In the horrified eyes of the gunmen beside him, the magic raven with only the front half of its body stabbed into the dog trainer's eye socket extremely cruelly. What was different from the arrow was , at this time, the raven was still struggling and moving, which caused it to continue to drill into the dog trainer's skull along the eye socket...

While Weilin took the risk and forcibly killed the dog trainer, Shuge's tough instructions were also successfully passed on to the running rat who was enjoying his flesh and blood, so the strange rat, whose body was stained red with blood, immediately gave up. He grabbed the hound, which had almost been "dug" into a big hole, and pounced straight on his last target.

This time, the reaction of the swordsmen of Iris was two minutes faster than the bullets of the crystal gun.

After what happened at that moment, these veterans had also noticed the intentions of the sneak attackers, so the Iris double swordsmen on the outside of the defense line invariably pulled out the short daggers used for emergency and throwing from their waists, almost Without any hesitation, these daggers were thrown out by them.

The running rat, which was able to dodge the crystal bullets with its speed, finally suffered a disaster. A dagger flashing with cold light successfully hit its body. Although its fur and flesh were tough, they were weak in the face of the sharp blade thrown at it. It had no effect at all, and as the dagger hit, a sharp stinging sensation entered Xiuge's mind. This pain almost severed the magical connection between him and the running rat.

However, extreme madness and bloodthirsty seemed to have been deeply rooted in this mouse's body. After suffering such a fatal injury, it still continued to rush forward, its long whip-like tail swung wildly, and it turned out to be The Iris bodyguards who had been chasing him were included in the attack.

A swordsman silently waved down the silver-plated sword in his hand. Two of the tails of the running rat were broken on the spot. However, these tails separated from its body still retained amazing vitality. They were like the short tails of a gecko. Just like that, it kept jumping and flipping on the mud ground, and expanded at an alarming speed.

The surrounding swordsmen reacted immediately. They retreated at an extremely fast speed, and the weapons in their hands were also guarded in front of their faces.


Even though they were far away, Xiuge and Weilin could still hear the crisp sound.

The two broken long tails suddenly burst like extremely inflated air bags, and a thick dark green fog bloomed between the forest land, and everything around was shrouded in it. The original green plant leaves were covered in this thick fog. It quickly withered and withered, and was gradually twisted and melted into an indistinguishable mass of slime.

The temporary retreat of Iris's guards gave the dying Crazy Mouse an opportunity. Under Shuge's last command with great difficulty, it bared its teeth and jumped towards the last hound that had returned to the edge of the crowd. The moment the sword penetrated, its last remaining tail swung out hard, piercing the short-nosed dog's face like a green steel needle.

The magical connection between Shuge and the running rat was completely broken, and all the messages sent back from the summoned creatures stopped abruptly. A burst of pain acted on Shuge's brain, almost making him think that the person hit by the sharp sword was My own head!

This pain was so intense that it almost made Xiuge lose his ability to think. It also made his eyes black and his ears buzzing, making him unable to sense what was happening around him.

Gradually, the severe headache began to subside, and after a while it gradually subsided into a sense of drowsiness. Xiuge finally captured the colors with his own eyes again, and finally felt the existence of his own limbs.

He found that he was being helped forward.


Xiuge took a deep breath, and then stood firm with the help of the people next to him. Only then did he realize that he had arrived at the edge of the forest area. Not far ahead, there were a series of houses. .

The hands holding him immediately moved away. Xiuge turned his head and saw those beautiful but emotionless eyes.

Wei Lin's voice also lacked much emotion: "Are you awake? How do you feel?"

Xiuge shook his head slightly, and then felt that his brain seemed to be shaking, so he quickly stopped and replied truthfully: "It doesn't feel good, it's like drinking ten bottles of Dwarf in one go. Liquor, and then hit myself on the head with a bottle..."

"A fitting description."

Wei Lin nodded in agreement: "Almost all beginners will have similar symptoms when they disconnect the magic power from the magical creature they summoned for the first time. Depending on the strength of the magic power of both the summoner and the summoned, such symptoms may also appear. Strengthen or weaken, some unlucky ones...pop!"

She suddenly raised her hand and made a finger-spreading motion, and also added a sound to it.

"Heads will explode."


Xiuge recalled the impact that the running rat had on him when he was finally pierced by the sword, and he felt deeply about this.

He instinctively turned his head and looked at the area behind him. He saw that the fire in the distance had weakened greatly. Only bursts of thick smoke were constantly floating into the air, and there was no movement in the forest area. It seemed that the last A short-nosed dog has also been severely injured and can no longer take on the responsibility of tracking scent.

"I tried to use two magics that can confuse cognition, and it seems to have a good effect. At least those people haven't caught up until now."

Wei Lin looked around and then said: "I am not familiar with Salem City. Mr. Shuge, do you know where we are now?"

"Ladies Street."

Xiuge raised his finger and pointed at a huge fountain sculpture in the distance. It was a vase-shaped stone magic fountain. Under the influence of magic, it was continuously spraying clean water into the air. Next to the "vase" , there is also an extremely charming female stone sculpture, with a curvy figure, her hands forward, gently resting on the vase, with a strong smile on her face.

It was as if she was delighted by the clear water spraying out of the vase.

"Lady's Street is located on the north side of Salem City, but it is still quite far away from the northern gate,"

Xiuge relied on his own memory and impression to explain: "Lady's Street and Shuihua Street are basically connected together, occupying a large area on the north side. Of course, there are many pubs. If you keep walking along these two streets, you will see If you can reach the academy in Salem City, you can of course also take a detour back to the central area."

Wei Lin nodded, she thought seriously, and then said: "We need a temporary hiding place now. Only after we are settled, can I try to build a temporary ritual site that isolates the tracking magic. Otherwise, the current situation is , it’s only a matter of time before he’s found out.”

She glanced at the street in front of her with slightly mixed architectural styles, and asked, "Mr. Sugar, do you know where to find a residence that is concealed enough and difficult to conduct a detailed search?"

Xiuge glanced at Wei Lin, and then nodded hesitantly.

Although most areas of Salem City appear to be very prosperous, there are many nooks and crannies that are difficult to find in any city, such as abandoned houses, certain hotels or shops where homeless people, thieves and scavengers gather. There are basement dwellings that have been opened up, and there are even some dirty shacks built on the sewers of Salem City...

If you want to hide, you can always find a place, but considering the current situation of the two of them and Weilin's request to build a magic ritual site, Xiuge quickly made his choice among these many options.

The headache and dizziness caused by the rupture of magic power did not last long, so Xiuge and the two also accelerated their pace.

After passing through several hidden wooden doors and two desolate paths, they had once again arrived at the edge of the crowded world.

However, Wei Lin's Law Committee uniform was too eye-catching, so before they officially set foot on the street, the two of them sneaked into the courtyard behind a hotel under the cover of magic, and escaped under the eyes of a laundress who was lazily sleeping. Picked up some new pieces of clothing.

Soon, two young men wearing Walter-style clothes appeared on the street.

Shuge's body already has the blood of the Walter nobles. His pale complexion and slender figure perfectly match the long black trench coat and top hat.

Although Weilin does not have the blood of the Ernst family, her appearance and scholarly temperament developed over a long period of time make her look like a real noble lady from Walter.

Such two people must be very easy to attract the attention of others in ordinary times, but in Ladies Street, Walter, who uses gray, black and dark blue as the main colors, looks particularly low-key.

Weilin held the magic book wrapped in black velvet and glanced at the figures with colorful flowers and perfumes all over their bodies. There was no doubt that these women were the "nightingales" in Salem City.

That is, prostitutes.

"Don't look at me like this, Miss Wei Lin, I don't want to bring you here either."

Xiuge gently avoided the hand extended by a young nightingale, and then replied in a low voice: "In fact, this is the origin of the name Ladies Street. They usually go to Shuihua Street to 'work'. There are a large number of people there." Taverns and… well, you know.”

While they were talking, another woman actually waved her hand towards Wei Lin. It seemed that the young girl with outstanding appearance and temperament was also the target of Nightingale's favor.

Although their workplaces are generally concentrated in Shuihua Street next door, many sophisticated customers will go to Ladies Street to directly solve their needs. After all, this way they can bypass those stingy madams and tavern owners, although the environment may be A little worse, but those hungry customers never care.

"Mr. Shuge, you seem to be very familiar with this place...Have you come here often before?"

Wei Lin's voice reached Xiuge's ears. He looked to his side, but saw the questioner's eyes drifting to one side of the street, where there were eager customers pulling and teasing them in the street, and The nightingale who was found smiled coquettishly and stretched out his hands to push him. His clothes were almost pulled down to his chest but he did not show any dissatisfaction.

Such a scene was obviously too shocking for Vereen Ernst.

I’m asking for some monthly tickets as a New Year’s gift. Do you want to yell or not?

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