Warhammer: In the Name of the Emperor

Chapter 77 The End of the Era: Warmaster—Abaddon

The storm of subspace rolled around the battleship. This dark long ship hovered steadily on the surface of the Sea of ​​Souls. This giant ship with terrifying weapons docked quietly next to the scarlet planet. It was with An entire Chaos fleet of unprecedented scale docked here together.

The size and number of the fleets composed of these Chaos traitors, traitors, and Daemons themselves have far exceeded that of the Gothic War hundreds of years ago. It is probably the largest Chaos fleet in the galaxy since the Horus Heresy.

These large and small warships from different evil gods and renegade legions are docked at the junction of the subspace and the curtain of the physical universe. Just a few astronomical units ahead is the physical universe, where the human empire has stood firm for thousands of years. Great Fortress, Cadia.

Deep in the giant ship, at the end of the terrifying black corridor, after passing through the endless screams and terrifying curtains, you came to this dormitory. This dormitory was very simple, so simple that it made people feel To the point of surprise.

There is only a large bed of comparable size, a table and a metal chair. The rest are countless scrolls, documents and weapons and equipment.

This place belongs to a warrior, one who has been trying for thousands of years to complete the great work of this room's former owner, to destroy Terra and slay the false Emperor who sat on the throne.

Warmaster Abaddon opened his scarlet eyes. He had just had a dream. He had not dreamed for a long time, but the power of subspace made him have a dream.

He recalled the ancient memories of the past, memories from ten thousand years ago, memories in Ullanor.

Abaddon recalled the man's face. He looked very ordinary at that time, like a mortal, but Abaddon knew that he was not a mortal. He knew a long time ago that he was as hypocritical as the false emperor.

Abaddon raised his head. The door behind him slid open to one side, and a man walked in. "You'd better bring good news, Sexos."

"No, Warmaster, I'm afraid I bring bad news." "You have let me down, Sexos, and that is not good."

Abaddon stood up. Wearing Terminator black armor and enhanced by the power of the evil god, Abaddon, who became as tall as the Primarch, walked up to Serksos. His murderous eyes looked down at Khorne in front of him. champion.

But Serksos looked directly into those eyes, and he shook his head slightly, "Typhons brought bad news. The Death Guard and Nurgle Legion's plague spread in the Obscurity Sector has been contained. The Empire's Space Marines The warband stopped them."

"No, not those stupid heirs, tell me, Seksos, who defeated them." Abaddon's syllables were accompanied by a terrifying low roar. The voice was as terrifying as a giant wolf, with scarlet eyes. It seemed that he was going to kill the leader of Abaddon's Dogs warband in front of him at any moment.

"On the planet St. Bassos, when Nurgle's Grand Secretary was infecting that planet and preparing to spread the infection to the star areas around Cadia to help us weaken Cadia's defense, the Secretary was beheaded. Struck, the assailant slew the scribe with Slaanesh's magic blade, and now it is annihilated, and Nurgle mourns."

"Who did it, one of Slaanesh's men?" Abaddon said threateningly, raising his huge power claw slightly. Xxos glanced at the power claw and then looked directly at the Warmaster, "There are sons of Slaanesh among them. Min, to be precise, her sister, Lilith Phantom."

"But Typhas claimed that it was not Lilith Phantom who killed the scribe, but" "Who, don't test my patience, Xerxos."

"Vito Constantine, Warmaster." "Vito Constantine."

Abaddon shouted the name with a low growl. He turned around and walked to the wall of the room. He looked at the ancient banner hanging on the wall, the ancient banner of the Luna Wolf.

He raised his head slightly. Now he knew why he had that dream. The power of the subspace was telling him all this.

"The ancient guardian has arrived, Warmaster, this is not good news." Saiksos said, he stood in front of the door and looked at Abaddon, "Many of us remember Vito Constantine, maybe many rebels The newcomers who joined the legion didn’t know it before, but I and many veterans know the threat of Vito Constantine.”

"He and Lilith Phantom have been together for an unknown reason for a long time. We originally thought that he would be corrupted and corrupted by Slaanesh, but it has not happened for thousands of years. Now Slaanesh has given him a magic blade to kill the scribe. Handsome, this is an extremely dangerous sign.”

Abaddon raised his head and let out a long roar. He turned his head and looked at Xerxos, "Where's Lucius? Have you asked him?"

"I asked, but that arrogant bastard refused to answer the question. He said that Slaanesh did whatever he wanted without any explanation. I think he was telling the truth."

Abaddon turned his head and looked at the banner in front of him. He recalled those broken memory fragments, the memory fragments of Horus and Vitor. Horus was dead long ago, they were all dead, and the demonic primarchs lived in the subspace. It no longer comes to the mortal world, and those ancient existences on the side of the empire have long since left.

With Sigismund's death, those ancient times seemed long gone, but now the ancient guardian is back, and he's here to thwart his plans and thwart the eternal war, just like he did back then.

Abaddon turned his head to face Thraxos, his murderous eyes staring at him, as if an invisible fist pinched his heart, "Speak, Thraxos, tell me what else I need to know." of."

"Nurgle ordered Typhas to lead the Death Guard and Nurgle's army back to the warp. The Plague Lord vowed to avenge his beloved son and launched an attack on Slaanesh."

They won't succeed, Abaddon thought. There's no way those stupid idiots can defeat Slaanesh and everything she represents. That happy bitch has probably already planned how to deal with Nurgle. This is a game. , another of her games.

And as he prepares to launch the Thirteenth Black Crusade, now, the power of Nurgle and Slaanesh will no longer be of use.

Abaddon clenched his iron fist and tightened his power claws slightly. He cursed angrily and walked to the floor-to-ceiling window of the room. He looked at Cadia outside the gap of the Eye of Terror in the distance. The planet was about to fall into his hands. .

"Warmaster, should we suspect that Slaanesh and Vitor are cooperating to cause trouble for us?" Serksos asked, and the Warmaster slightly raised his claws to signal him to shut up.

Abaddon stared at Cardia in the distance. He raised his head and his scarlet eyes were filled with the blood of death. "Lilith Phantom followed Vitor herself, and Slaanesh obviously had at least some cooperation with him." , or at least knew what Vitor was up to, Lilith and Slaanesh, that bitch must have known Vitor's plan. "But she wouldn't have told us that she would play this game with Khorne, so yes, she did." It's going to get in our way, but it doesn't matter now, we need to pay attention to what's in front of us."

"Do we need to send troops to kill Vito Constantine?" Serksos asked, but Abaddon smiled sarcastically, his voice cold and terrifying, and he turned his head to look at the admiral of the black fleet.

"You are too weak to kill him." "What about Kahn? Maybe we ask Khorne to let Kahn kill Vitor." "Maybe, but he is good at using tricks, and in this skill he Like the Emperor, Karn is unable to discern his machinations, and having Tzeentch's men following him will only create more problems."

The Warmaster said, his power claws undulating slightly at his side, and the kada began to creak, "Now we don't need to worry about Vito, Constantine and his little bitch, we need to take Cadia and tear apart the fear. The eye brings the eternal war to an end."

"But Vito Constantine will stop us, Warmaster. If he appears in Cadia to take over and lead the local imperial forces, it will be quite a threat." Serksos immediately added, completely ignoring Al Barton didn't allow himself to be refuted by the horrifying look in his eyes.

Abaddon walked up to him, with a strong murderous intention on Thraxos. He stared at the admiral in front of him, "Are you telling me that you can't take on this important task? Thraxos." "No, Warmaster, I'm just warning of a possible threat. "Threat? I am the only threat here. Remember that, Xxos."

Abaddon's sharp claws touched the chest of Serksos. The latter showed no fear or wavering, and still stood there and looked directly at the Warmaster.

"Erebus and the priests of the Word Bearers will summon the Storm of Destruction to block Cadia's connection with the Empire. Even if he comes, he will not have enough power to compete with us."

"Beelak has gone to Terra. He will secretly seize and control the Mountain Town, forcing the Empire to focus more on other places in the galaxy. You, Threxos, I have given you enough power. ,Do not disappoint me."

"Leave now and return to your post." "As you command, Warmaster."

Serksos said and turned around to leave without looking back. Abaddon looked at his figure and then looked at Cardia on the far side.

The galaxy will burn and no one can stop him.

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