After the fake daughter’s mind was read, the real daughter posted crazy posts

After the fake daughter’s mind was read, the real daughter posted crazy posts


557 Chapters Ongoing Status

Chu Mu passed away and became the fake daughter of the villain's family.
As soon as she arrived, she met the real daughter and returned home.
【This is a true daughter of gold!nice!It's just a pity, if you fall in love with the male protagonist,


Chu Mu passed away and became the fake daughter of the villain's family.
As soon as she arrived, she met the real daughter and returned home.
【This is a true daughter of gold!nice!It's just a pity, if you fall in love with the male protagonist, the vicious female counterpart is your destiny! 】
[I didn’t expect that the fourth brother, who is an e-sports male god, likes green hair so much!It’s so unconventional!By the way, fourth brother looks very carefree!But inside he is an innocent puppy!But this hair color really suits him. I like a Neptune, and green is a fixed match for him! 】
[Society Fear Third Brother, he is a handsome young man with a Chinese style. Just because the heroine's follower liked him and he refused, the follower put him online and used public opinion to bully him. As a result, he committed suicide due to depression. 】
[The second brother is the only clear figure in the villain family!It's a pity that he was tricked by the petty male protagonist. He directly bribed the patient and caused a medical accident. Please, this is illegal, okay? 】
[I’m so angry. The male protagonist has no ability, but he actually wants to kill his eldest brother and inherit the Chu family. It’s outrageous. The relationship between eight poles is beyond the reach of the male protagonist, but he really let the male protagonist inherit it. Doesn’t he think that the Chu family is all transparent? 】
A real daughter and four brothers:...
Is the world crazy, or are they crazy?
Later, Chu Mu discovered that the real daughter became nauseated when she saw the male protagonist, and her brothers also survived.
The eldest brother expanded the Chu Group's territory.
The second brother became an internationally famous doctor.
The third brother probably became a social cow from a social club and entered the entertainment industry.
The fourth brother locked up his love and won several world championships.
Chu Mu has become the Chu family's favorite!
Chu Mu, who is obsessed with saving money:?Did I wear a fake book?

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