Tech Hammer

Chapter 477 Crazy March

"More than that, in order to ensure the taste requirements of foreign professors, most of the Western chefs are recruited from well-known Michelin restaurants. The unified accommodation area in the laboratory has a first-class environment. The accommodation area also has almost perfect living security and fitness. Areas, small bars, cinemas, hospitals and other supporting facilities are all free and open to all professors in the laboratory. Regardless of whether they are Chinese or foreign professors, all treatments are exactly the same..."

"It is truly equal treatment. If you read the contract, you will find that all the research results of the basic laboratory and the attribution of honors are detailed. Whose belongs to whom. I have no doubt that in the next ten years, The basic physics laboratory here will have at least five to ten Nobel Prize winners, as well as more March Prize winners, Hertz Prize winners, and even Fields Medal winners and Wolf Prize winners!”

"In order to prove what I said, as I said before, a series of videos will be shot, which will include the laboratory environment, the accommodation area environment, the canteen environment, as well as my conversations with the professors and the signed contracts. , wait! Next is the question I want to ask those superior school directors. In view of the above facts, why do you restrict the professors’ power to make free choices? With only about 1% annual salary increase? "

"This world should be free, and each of us should be free! We pay the highest tuition fees, but the professors who teach knowledge cannot get the corresponding salary! I know someone will definitely ask after seeing this, is it true that China Is the salary of a professor very high? Yes, as an associate professor of Yanbei University, aside from the paper awards and laboratory assistant bonuses, as well as other incentive income of nearly one million every year, my basic salary is not much more than Two hundred and sixty thousand yuan.”

“But what I want to tell you is that the average tuition fee for undergraduates at Yanbei University Ningban, where I am a top university in China, is only 5,500 yuan a year, which is about 993 US dollars at today’s exchange rate, while at my alma mater Harvard The annual net tuition fee is US$43,273! What I also want to tell you is that Yanbei University’s annual tuition fee of 5,500 RMB has been going on for nearly ten years, while the net tuition fee when I was an undergraduate at Harvard was only US$37,576 per year. "

"I hope to tell these facts and make everyone face up to this fact! The mobility of scientists should rely on good treatment and environment, allowing us to make our own choices. Rather than hindering it with various restrictions Exchange of talents! In fact, everyone knows very well that in this situation where many scientific fields have been subdivided and developed to the extreme, full exchanges among scientists are already an indispensable link to promote the development of the discipline."

"But now all the foundations of trust are being destroyed by some people for personal gain! Six years ago, Lucason Friend rejected Ning Wei's paper for the advancement of the N-S equation, which embarrassed countless devout mathematicians. And until now, the mathematicians who have pioneered the number theory of artificial intelligence have not even been recognized by the International Association of Mathematicians, and have not been eligible for the Fields Medal!"

"I don't even know what the three mathematicians who won the Fields Medal more than two years ago were thinking when they won the award. I didn't even bother to listen to their acceptance speeches again. When the most fair and just fields are dominated by interests, Erosion has become what we see now! So my former classmates, teachers, professors, and colleagues who are working on the front line of education and scientific research, do you really want to see it like this now?"

"At the same time, I also want to ask those children who are still struggling in school. You pay the highest tuition fees in the world and are burdened with heavy student loans at the undergraduate level, but all the money you spend is not paid in the end. Those teachers and professors who guide you wholeheartedly have enriched the wallets of some people. Instead of improving the salary of professors to retain people, these people are trying every means to hinder their pursuit of better development. Do you think this is really true? Is it good for you?"

"Those so-called big shots, every time their moral bottom line drops a little bit, it will be shared equally with countless ordinary people like you, me, and him. Everyone has to share that little bit of moral bottom line that has dropped, or every time that little bit you will It doesn’t matter to you, but when all the little bits and pieces add up, you will find that you are facing an unbearable weight in your life!”

"I am Lucy Rowan, and I am willing to take responsibility for everything I said above. I don't know how many people can see these three videos today, but I hope those who see it can think about it carefully and think more about it. Think about it! It’s the winter vacation at Yanbei University, and I’ll go back to the Basic Physics Laboratory tomorrow to prove what I said! Goodbye!”

Dr. Ron's passionate emotions supported him to record the above video, and then simply edited and sent it. In the end, he still had to wait for time to ferment.

In fact, Lucy Rowan didn't think her voice would have a great influence. Although she once stared at the halo of female geniuses at Harvard and was also the object of admiration by many people in school and the darling of professors, she left after all. Harvard for too long.

After all, Harvard University is a super university that has produced eight U.S. presidents, trained 158 Nobel Prize winners, and 18 Fields Medal winners. Every year, many influential figures appear and become the object of admiration.

So Lucy Rowan really posted these videos out of anger. As for how many people they would affect, she didn't think much about it.

But again, there is March!

Since it started to stay on Ning Wei's mobile phone in March, it has become an existence that can communicate with Ning Wei's mind.

Although March Kitten's thinking model is still not as complex as humans, as Ning Wei said, it is far more advanced than other artificial intelligence technologies. The more complex decision tree has given it a certain degree of subjective initiative. To decide whether something is necessary or can be implemented.

It's not something too important. For example, using the push algorithm figured out by humans to promote a specific video is a simple matter for kittens. Even more, according to March’s habits of mind.

Like Lucy Rowan is no longer famous enough at Harvard?

It doesn't matter! As a once influential figure at Harvard University, there are videos and pictures of presentations at top conferences a few years ago, achievements made, papers published in top journals, comments from teachers, invitations from Google, Microsoft, Apple and even top Wall Street giants. Letters, as long as they have left a mark on the Internet, this kitten can easily collect them.

All this information is combined to automatically generate a series of videos and text, which is an extremely simple thing for March. If the former requires moving the little paws, the latter can probably be done with just two blinks of the cat's eyes.

The next step is packaging promotion!

Whether it is the platform you choose to publish on, or a platform that you don’t care about at all, or even some private groups, such as Harvard elite alumni groups, MIT discussion groups, or even groups that simply like beauties...

In March's mechanized thinking mode, the maximum promotion is to promote the things that these people are mainly concerned about in daily life and match certain keywords.

It just so happens that Lucy Rowan is really a woman, and a woman whose qualities and videos can touch multiple keywords at the same time!

For example, Harvard, top academics, scientists, rich women, the youngest female doctorate in the history of Harvard University, beauties, evening gowns, sexy, Google, Microsoft, Apple, technology, human rights, etc., even D cup...

As long as the netizens who use these softwares usually focus on one thing, they are the information push objects that March believes meet the standards.

From a human perspective, this seems somewhat random, but from a machine perspective, this is simply normal.

As for multiple choices, no one is necessarily correct, so let’s try to cover as wide a range as possible, isn’t it because we don’t have the ability?

Maybe a worker on the dock who graduated from junior high school started to work hard after graduating from high school, and he didn't even understand the terms in the video, but he likes to see beautiful women, and Lucy Rowan happens to be a beautiful woman, so that's the promotion target... …

Such a simple thing does not need to consume too much computing power for precise promotion when processing priority selection. Large area coverage can get the best results and save computing power. In March, it will directly make what it thinks The most correct way to handle it.

After these useful videos were recorded, thousands of backup files were stored in March's increasingly large house, all over the world. This even includes CERN's data server.

If March were willing, it would even allow CERN scientists to watch the video every time before retrieving data. But this is beyond the scope of its free decision-making. Of course, this is not necessary. Anyway, it can be pushed out through normal channels. Why do you need to apply for permission from Ning Wei?

Even a kitten has ethics.

Of course, March didn't care about the boring question of whether Lucy Rowan's account would be banned. This probably only makes sense to humans. For them, the so-called accounts, IDs and even the specific content of videos are nothing more than groups of binary codes. It happens to manage a lot...

So the bombing began...

At the same time, following the most basic concept of communication, the first wave of impact is the original version of the video, and then the second wave of impact is the past and present of this beautiful Harvard doctor, and even Lucy Rowan’s powerful friends …

This kitten has been spoiled by the self-media!

"Is this woman crazy?"

"Isn't what she said wrong?

"Wilson, you should try to persuade Lucy more. I've told you before that you shouldn't have let her go then!"

"So what if I don't let him go? I have long said that we should attract that Chinese young man instead of completely confronting him, but did you listen?"

"Oh my god! Is what the senior said true?"

"I heard it's true. Several professors have resigned in the past two months!"

"I can't believe she was a student at Harvard! She even almost became an honorary professor at Harvard!"

"This is not a question of whether you believe it or not. What we want to discuss is countermeasures and how to appease everyone's emotions!"

"Isabel, have you watched Lucy Rowan's video? I remember she was your friend, she was really brave to say it!"

"Of course...she has always been like this! She dares to say and do it!"

"Edwin, I believe you have also seen that video. I heard that Ronnie went to China after resigning. How is he doing now?"

"Well, maybe you should ask Professor Ronny yourself...well, maybe I can ask it for you. Really, I don't want you to contact him. CERN can't lose you, Professor Robert!"

"Hey, Professor Carter, I heard that you are doing well in China now? Can I ask which project you are in charge of now? Haha, yes, I am actually very interested in the contract in that video! The March Award is here again It’s the selection stage, will the laboratory’s results really be given priority?”

"Haha, of course, my friend, you can't imagine how efficient the place is now, especially the efficiency of the artificial intelligence scientific research assistance platform is a hundred times that of what it was before at CERN. Really, I'm not exaggerating at all!"

"Academician Yu, Academician Yu, I didn't expect that you became famous because you were named in the video. Several second works were revealed during the doctoral stage. What do you think now... Haha, the father of the Thinker Missile, wait a minute I will call Lao He and ask him if any student is still alive and can achieve such a reputation!"

"Director Lu, please stop teasing me... I have a big head now. Don't you know it if others don't know it? I just took some tricks from Academician Ning. Now I am in charge of the laboratory work. It’s the limit, thinking about it, I really can’t afford to be called the Father of Missiles!”

"I would rather this kid... push Lucy out like this and hide it himself. But... this girl is really cruel..."

"This is actually safer. What Professor Ron said is more powerful!"

"Look, everyone, this woman is so beautiful, so big..."

"I suggest you withdraw the above sentence immediately! Let's do some popular science. This woman is now an associate professor at Yanbei University, and she teaches Ning class! Most of the members of Ning Club are her students. Penguin Weibo and Xingyu Weibo Someone had spoken rudely to her online and successfully angered the geniuses at Ningshe. At this time, they were furious. President Ningshe had already posted on Weibo that he would spend 200 million to sponsor law schools in major universities across the country. Prepare to sue them one by one! You know, those kids in Ningshe are really good at it!"

" for that? Two hundred million? Just because those people posted a few words about the female professor on Weibo?"

"It is said that Professor Lucy Rowan teaches a very important professional course in the Ning class and is also responsible for some psychological counseling. Anyway, she has a very good relationship with the students of Ningshe. Besides, 200 million is a big deal for Ningshe. What the heck? The money has already been set up in a fund, specifically to protect Lucy Ron's reputation! Have you forgotten before? Ningshe just said it would give up 500 million yuan, and even Xingyu was scared. Now We haven’t calmed down yet. Those big Vs with cheap tricks will be really miserable this time! Once these kids take action, they will really fight to the death!"

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