Tech Hammer

Chapter 478 A small change

Everything that happened during this Chinese Lunar New Year probably made Lucy Rowan feel depressed and happy...

Probably no one could have imagined that this former Harvard female genius became known to the world because she boldly stood up and criticized her former alma mater and many schools with similar conditions to her alma mater.

Lucy Rowan is prepared for the possible backlash.

As she said, she could record a series of videos to argue with the world.

Science is more about evidence than law...

Therefore, including the data she used when recording the video, all have been carefully verified.

But after the video was uploaded to the platform, she did not expect the speed at which it spread indiscriminately. The number of views exceeded 100,000 in ten minutes, and exceeded one million in one hour... She didn't have time to react. She was notified that her account was temporarily blocked. However, before she could get angry enough, the account was suddenly unblocked again. Just now The banned video was released again, and then the number of views and comments continued to increase at an explosive speed again...

Lucy Rowan didn't know what kind of game was behind this, and she didn't bother to care. But when the number of messages and comments exceeded a thousand in ten minutes and ten thousand in an hour, everything she had considered before was of no use.

With the influx of a large amount of invalid information, rational persuasion and debate are no longer possible.

This is probably the sequelae of the "precision" promotion in March, which may be counter-intuitive. After all, isn't the more people in the debate the better?

This kind of wrong choice is probably caused by a lack of understanding of the cognitive level. The gap between people may really be greater than the gap between people and dogs.

When the number one likes in the comment area is "This woman's voice is so white...ah, no, her skin is so nice...", it also means that the channel for rational communication here is most likely blocked.

This was not the outcome Lucy Rowan expected. What's even more annoying is that more people discuss her appearance than her knowledge.

In view of the bad taste of some people who had always criticized her, Lucy Rowan suspected that this was intentional, and she was inevitably angry.

But there are also things that warm her heart.

For example, Ning She's sudden outburst and all-out firepower for her reputation hit this foreign friend's weakness after all...

Sure enough, these Chinese children are the cutest.

This also made Lucy Ron feel that her choice all along was correct. Thinking about it carefully, since she met Ning Wei, she seems to have been used by this man who has no gentlemanly manners, but she is satisfied if she can get this group of students who love her.

So, just make a fuss...

After struggling for a whole day, Lucy Ron could only think this way in the end.

Lucy Rowan gave up the idea of ​​continuing the theory on the Internet, but after all, it was she who ignited a small fire with her own hands, and then, under the catalysis of March, it became a wildfire. The effect was also immediately apparent.

In fact, the contradiction already exists, but there is no opportunity to fully expose it.

For example, the problem of high tuition fees in many institutions of higher learning is not a big problem in the first place. Under the cognition of happy education for young children in the West, the vast majority of ordinary people born and raised in the country do not actually have much sense of worry. In other words, it may not be enough volume.

Of course, in a sense this is true.

Just like the classic words of a great Chinese writer, if you open a history book, you will see that the word "cannibalism" is written all over the lines...

The most powerful force on earth, relying on the primitive accumulation of ancestors with a strong bloody smell is enough to allow most people to live a relatively comfortable life without struggling. But this is based on consuming 50% of the world’s resources to support less than one-sixth of the world’s population.

But even in the bustling cities of these countries, many homeless people can still be seen, which is enough to prove that those in power allocate resources haphazardly.

Of course, at least these homeless people are given the right to survive on the streets. To borrow what many people say, in this world full of flowers, you should be grateful to be alive. But this world is really afraid of comparison...

When many students with ambitions and ideals learned that the annual tuition fee for studying at Yanbei University in China was less than $1,000, many students from Ivy League universities were still dismayed.

In previous years, Lucy Rowan's speech probably did not cause any waves. Although Yanbei University is indeed a first-class university in China, if you look at it from a global level, especially in the eyes of many Western European and American countries, it is still not very good. It has trained many Nobel, Fields, Wolf... and countless world-class award winners, and constructed academic barriers one after another, giving everyone a superficial and intuitive understanding...

But after all, things have changed in the past few years.

One Ning Wei and the other Ning Ban have become the favorites of various hot topics on the Internet.

Even for the Western media, the name Ning Wei even became a taboo topic for a certain period of time, but as Ning Wei said every time he laughed at himself, he was still too capable of offending people after all.

The March Science Award, initiated by the International Mathematics Research Center of Yanbei University, is becoming more and more popular around the world. With the innovation of artificial intelligence number theory technology and the emergence of artificial intelligence in March, students from Ningban class were all dismissed before graduation. The world's major technology companies are vying for money, Ning She is domineering and arrogant in grabbing various news headlines, Ning Wei's students have developed the ultimate form of displays, three-dimensional silicon-based heterogeneous chip technology and the advent of Ning Xin...

Many things that have happened in recent years cannot be completely abandoned by the modern Internet, and each of these things has an unavoidable name - Ning Wei. When this name is mentioned, Yanbei University cannot be bypassed...

After all, he holds the title of professor of the School of Mathematics at Yanbei University, and his workplace is listed on every cited paper. Not to mention that the Wolf Prize and March Prize were once held in the Centennial Auditorium of Yanbei University.

This is the power of the flag!

With this flag, more students began to know Huaxia and set their sights on Yanbei University...

Perhaps in the eyes of many people, the foundation of Yanbei University is still not comparable to that of Harvard University, which has trained more than a hundred Nobel Prize winners, but at least there is such a master professor in the School of Mathematics, and he and others students have made remarkable achievements, which has led many people to compare the two universities together...

Now, a former Harvard female genius and now a professor at Yanbei University tells everyone through the Internet that such a top Ning class in the university, with a tuition fee of less than one thousand US dollars a year, can enjoy being hired by countless top technology companies before graduation. The major scientific research schools are vying for treatment, and they get almost the top salaries in the industry. Even the interest clubs composed of members of this class already have economic strength that is not inferior to that of many large listed companies...

And they need to pay more than 40 times the tuition every year to attend world-famous schools such as Harvard, MIT, and Princeton. If they fail to study well, it is still unknown whether the job they find after graduation can cover their student loans, even if they are recruited by a major factory. , maybe the salary is not as good as those of peers whose tuition only costs one thousand US dollars, and this will come out after a comparison...

So...why? !

Why is Yanbei University tuition so cheap? Are our tuition fees so expensive? Because are the two schools really very different? Maybe not? I wanted to go to China even though I didn’t see my professor, but my passport was forcibly taken away. Can I go there?

What if our tuition was only a thousand dollars... Okay, that's an exaggeration, but what if our tuition could be reduced a little bit every year? Even if it's just $10,000 less? That’s $40,000 over four years. This amount of money may not seem like much to the rich, but even to middle-class families, it is not a small sum.

You can save a luxury car in four years!

Many times when a thought arises in the mind, the evil fire cannot be suppressed.

Yes, good colleges have expensive scholarships, but where do they come from? And how many can there be? Yes, there are many rich people in good universities, but there are far more middle class people than rich people!

When many students began to use various methods to confirm that Lucy Rowan's statement about tuition fees was completely true, the biggest crisis of trust between many students and the school board was thus exposed...

Why? !

Of course, there are not only students in the school, but also teachers and professors, especially professors majoring in physics and mathematics.

News of the Huaxia Basic Physics Laboratory's recruitment drive had been spread privately and by word of mouth, and its impact was still very limited. But now, as Ning Wei's paper becomes more and more popular, the number of downloads and the popularity of it in academic circles increase, and more and more scholars are interested in this research.

Now, they have the opportunity to participate in this greatest research in the history of physical science, and they can also get a much higher salary than in school, as well as the opportunity to win famous awards. Maybe not everyone will be excited, but It's impossible for no one to be moved.

Scientists and professors are still human beings after all, and they have human weaknesses. Some people like fame, some like profit, and some are curious...

Previously, in the stereotype of these people, China's scientific research level was overall backward. This backwardness was reflected in many aspects such as ways of thinking, instruments, instruments, laboratory environment, etc. However, with the March Artificial Intelligence Platform, these stereotypes The impression is gradually shattered.

The light at the opening ceremony of the Chinese Olympic Games not long ago can still completely fade from memory, and the shock to these scientists from the amazing three-dimensional restoration technology on the night of the March Award Ceremony has not had time to completely fade away. The above seems to indicate that China It is no joke that some laboratories are already world leaders.

At this moment when the impression is shattered, coupled with the video of Lucy Rowan pushed to them, it will somewhat make people have some thoughts that they have not had before. At this time, the Basic Physics Laboratory already has more than a hundred mathematicians and physicists from all over the world. If you want to learn more, these professors will undoubtedly be able to find suitable channels. It’s better to find out.

After understanding it, my thoughts and demands began to become different.

All of the above have caused some undesirable atmospheres to begin to brew in major universities and research institutions. Many internal websites have begun to have a lot of outdated content, which will definitely cause headaches for many private school boards...

This matter is really difficult to handle.

In most cases, schools have effective control over students and professors. The better the school, the more so. As managers, there are always countless ways to ensure a stable situation. Students and professors at prestigious universities understand the protective effect of rules on themselves. But the premise is that the vast majority cannot reach a consensus that is not conducive to managers...

In particular, most of the students are young people. Young people's emotions are prone to fluctuations. Everyone is happy if nothing goes wrong. But if something goes wrong, it is often bigger and more troublesome! Information blocking can be used as a means to divert attention by confusing the public, or to discredit the opponent, which can often achieve miraculous results. But none of the above options are easy to use this time...

It’s not that she didn’t respond quickly. Lucy Rowan’s account was banned in a short period of time, but she couldn’t resist the fuel of the Internet ghost... which made things difficult...

Especially when students suddenly stood on the table in the Widener Library on Harvard campus during self-study and began to raise their arms and shout for the first time about the issues of tuition and freedom, the situation finally began to develop in the worst direction... …

Of course, it’s not just the boards of private colleges and universities that are affected at this time.

Both the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the International Association of Mathematicians are in an embarrassing situation at this time.

Lucy Rowan chose to go all out when recording the video, and her verbal disrespect for the last Fields Medal winner put many people in a very embarrassing situation.

Especially the three Fields Medal winners from the last session.

Lucy Rowan's words: "I don't even know what the three mathematicians who won the Fields Medal more than two years ago were thinking when they won the award. I didn't even bother to listen to their acceptance speeches again." It's enough. These three winners of the world's most important mathematics prizes feel physically and mentally exhausted...

When the video began to explode online, MIU executives called them, hoping that they could make a voice to refute Lucy Rowan's words, but the three struggled for a long time and finally rejected MIU's request. …

Most scholars still cherish their feathers, especially those who have won the Fields Medal.

There are lessons from the disgrace of another Fields Medalist mentioned in this sentence, Lucassen Friend. Academia is supposed to be a place where results speak for themselves. The research of the three people is indeed very important to mathematics, but no one is confident that it can match the impact of the foundation of artificial intelligence number theory on the world.

In fact, these three Fields Medal winners are dissatisfied with MIU...

If Ning Wei's name had been on the list of winners of the last Mathematicians Conference, they wouldn't be so embarrassed and roasted on the fire now! At the same time, this entanglement has also been brought to the next International Congress of Mathematicians, with mathematicians who are eligible and hope to win the Fields Medal...

Yes, if there is still no Fields Medal in 2032, it will be...MMP!

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